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Angel-Buffy (dot) com was first launched on 10 August 2003 as a fansite to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it's spin off Angel. Due to a variety of factors, it never really became the site that I wanted it to become. The site was most active during 2004 and sometime in 2005, I put the site on an indefinite hiatus.

Even though the shows that inspired this site are both off the air, I've decided to bring back the site to show my appreciation for the fandom. Over the next couple of months, content will be added.

The site was designed using Dreamweaver and Photoshop. The art for this site is by Alphonse Mucha. This site is hosted on Dreamhost.com.

Although it was never an award winning site like other sites where, the site did win the Best New Site Award back in 2004.


this page last updated: 24 August 2014 Sunday